Karl Rikki Castillo London Scammer. Personal Appointments. Site serves to assist others with DUE DILIGENCE of this man.

Meet Karl Rikki Castillo. Every Landlord’s worst nightmare. The Tenant Who Was Never Going to Pay Rent

Scam tenant Karl Rikki Castillo is a serial scammer that has ripped off countless landlords.


The scam is quite simple.

  • Karl will find a property he wants to move into.
  • Karl Rikki Castillo will dress the part.
  • Karl will look smart.
  • Karl will talk about how important he is.
  • Karl will talk about how important the people he knows are.
  • Karl will try to charm and negotiate the rental terms.

Castillo may even try to apply to rent the property in another name, or use his wife or son’s names to create a fresh tenancy application history.

Karl Castillo will then tell the landlord or managing agent that he set up a new company or new bank account and that there is some delay opening the new account.

Karl Castillo will then tell the landlord that he can pay him upfront in cash instead to cover the deposit and the first 4 to 6 months. And that, my friend, will be the last payment that the landlord ever sees from scam tenant Karl Castillo. Karl will never make another rental payment to the landlord again.

Next the landlord will be forced to go through the lengthy, time consuming and expensive eviction process to get Karl Castillo out while Karl lives rent-free, while you the landlord foot the bill.

During this time, Karl Castillo, the tenant, will make it as difficult as possible for you the landlord to get him out.

At various stages of the eviction process Karl Castillo will make all sorts of promises of payment to the Landlord that he will never keep.

While written in future tense, Karl Castillo has already ripped off countless times to landlords.

To avoid this scam, ensure you vet Karl Castillo as prospective tenant properly, put all rental payments on direct debit and have sufficient money upfront and break clauses to protect yourself from being scammed by a bad tenant.

While a rental applicant like Karl who offers to pay in cash may seem like the dream tenant, in reality, cash payments are a big red flag.

Rather than streamlining the leasing process, a landlord needs to use extra vigilance when screening prospective applicants like Karl Castillo.

Here are four reasons to scrutinise tenants who offer to pay in cash:

1. A common reason that tenants like Karl Castillo offer cash is that they have bad credit.

Offering to pay in cash — especially paying in advance — earns that applicant a pass on a tenant credit check.

The landlord won’t know this person’s true financial situation for several weeks — and by then it’s too late to avoid income loss. If this person is not relying on continuing income or investments to pay rent, what happens when the cash runs out?

2. There is no good way to verify whether the cash the tenant is offering was obtained legally or whether the tenant has legal income.

Offering cash is the calling card of a tenant who is involved in criminal activity or running a scam. That puts the property — and the landlord — at risk.

3. Accepting cash eliminates the ability to see information on cheques — address, phone, bank — that may not match with government ID, rental application, or previous cheques.

4. Handling cash creates unnecessary risks and attracts crime.

Landlords and Leasing agents who accept cash payments need to take special precautions to avoid being targeted by thieves. This can increase a landlord’s costs. Renters who pay cash may suffer the same risks.

5. Accepting cash also exposes the landlord to false claims that the rent was paid.

While there are tenants who may rely on savings or choose not to use banks, these cases are outside the mainstream and a landlord must exercise due diligence to avoid scammers.

For instance, if the person is claiming to be so wealthy they carry that kind of cash in their wallet, does it make sense that they’d be renting the specific property?

Can they provide any proof of funds along with a photo ID? Does that information track with the tenant credit check?

An applicant who has sufficient income to pay rent is going to be able to substantiate that with documentation, whether it’s a letter outlining benefits from government assistance, pay stubs, automatic deposit records, trust disbursement records, or a savings account statement.

Anyone who can’t provide a proper paper trail is telling stories.

So, if you’re a landlord considering renting a home to Karl Castillo or similar types, it is crucial to run an extensive tenant credit check. Otherwise, it may not be possible to catch someone who is using a fake identity or mis-stating income.

Even a seemingly wealthy applicant that talks the part may have a history of not paying bills on time. The risk of tenant fraud is too great to take someone’s word for it.

Landlords beware of Karl Rikki Castillo!

Karl_RIKKI_Castillo_Every Landlord%u2019s worst nightmare_The Tenant Who Was Never Going to Pay Rent
Karl Castillo Personal Appointments Background check for landlords


Karl’s Fashion Week Front Row Ticket Scam

Karl’s Barcelona Russian Divorcee Dating Scam

Wise Words to remember before you consider lending Karl any money

Karl’s latest scam, Cannabis CBD Hemp farms

List of Karl’s company appointments for due diligence reports.

Karl pretending to be a hemp farmer. Quick take a photo outside someone’s field

Karl Rikki CASTILLO – Personal Appointments – Small Time Conman BEWARE – London SW20


15 responses to “Meet Karl Rikki Castillo. Every Landlord’s worst nightmare. The Tenant Who Was Never Going to Pay Rent”

  1. Roy Batty


    1. Watakunt

      As this website says, Karl Castillo (aka Karlito or Karl Rikki) is a full-time grifter with a laundry list of fictional business schemes designed to scam people that read like something out of a movie.

  2. Giles

    Karl stung you too? Don’t worry Roy. You r not alone. Good that this post is online now so other landlords don’t make the same mistakes

  3. Geoffrey

    Very helpful. Thank you!!

  4. Kingston Upon Thames

    Never let appearances fool you! Karl Castillo abused me for not checking his background thoroughly first. I never thought I would be the one to make this mistake, but my sympathies got the better of me. Karl showed up to see my property with an expensive car, nice clothes, and a sob story about how he needed a place to stay immediately. But it was all a sham. After just one month of renting to Karl Castillo (the tenant), he stopped paying rent. Karl then played the court system that permitted him to stay in my apartment rent-free for several months. It cost me a fortune in legal costs and lost rent to get him out. I later learned that Karl had pulled the same con on various other landlords and that the flashy car he showed up in the first day wasn’t even his. Karl Castillo is flat broke with a history of bad credit and unpaid bills. The moral of this experience is that you ALWAYS need to run a background check.

    1. Richard

      I’m interested to know when he stayed at your property because I was letting a flat to him in kingston upon thames and only got him evicted in June 2021. He owes me a small fortune sounds like I’m at the back of a long queue. How can someone live like this?

  5. Molesey

    He’s a sleaze. You is lucky to be rid of him. How long did he stay at your gaf? How long did it take for you to get him out? How many months in rent does Karl owe you? And what did he say to you to make you trust him and get yourself into this mess? From the comments on this site yous is not alone. What is the link to the court docs? Let’s name and shame by linking to it so others know what they is getting themselve into.

    1. Bucks Brill Pointer

      Don’t trust him. Karl is a liar and a thief. Karl talks so much shit that I don’t know whether to offer him a breath mint (which he most definitely needs) or toilet paper.

  6. African King of Ashanti Scam

    Now, this is laugh-out-loud funny! Have you heard Karl Castillo’s fake “African King of Ashanti” scam? If so, then don’t believe a word Karl Castillo says.

    According to Google, “King Otumfuo Osei Tutu II of Ashanti, Ghana,” source of wealth is Mining Equipment, Property, Jewelry.

    Like something out of an African movie spin-off for Paul Newman’s The Sting, Karlito’s came up with an African king scam to try and con money out of family offices in Mayfair.

    I know this sounds hard to believe, but the absurdity of name-dropping such an obscure kingdom in Africa made it impossible for anyone in Mayfair that Karl told this story to verify.

    Suppose anyone fell for Karl Castillo’s African King” scam? If they did, it is because Karl Castillo relied upon schmoozing legitimate representatives at various investment offices in Mayfair and then networking the implied association of one investment professional to the next – each wanting to get their hands on some of that black money.

    Like a bad movie script, the occasional cast of characters that Karl would use to distract the Mayfair set were scummy mates pretending to be African dignitaries on Karl’s directions. The flashy cars that they used as occasional props were not there’s – likely borrowed from the scummy cash-only VIP car rental company in Imperial Wharf run by one of Karl’s mates.

    To add some more smoke to Karl’s supposed connection to the African King, Karl visited the Ghana embassy to say hello to people at the front desk, name drop some wealthy African names he had Googled, and then store the number to the Ghana embassy in his phone.

    When Karl needed a distraction in a meeting, Karl would call the Ghana embassy number from the phone in his pocket, then show everyone around him that the Ghana embassy was calling him and that he must step out to take their call.

    To the Mayfair set, Karl presents himself as a well-dressed novelty item that pretends to represent obscure wealthy African investors. Karl makes it sound like these mysterious investors are dumb money via supposed crooked embassy officials seeking their cut. Of course, these embassy officials don’t have any real business with Karl because Karl has no genuine involvement with any decision-makers at any embassy.

    What do you think? Funny right?

    1. Neukirchen am Walde

      Foitrottl! Watschengesicht! Karl Castillo! Leck mich im Arsch!

    2. Tuna Puna Tobago 🇹🇹

      Karlito you are one funny mofo! African king!!! Hahahahahaaaaaaaa Good for you. F*ck these people

    3. Buxton Bomber

      Hahahaha Karlito. How many times have you run this African King or African Prince scam??? Soooo funnnnyyyy

    4. Amersham Parish

      Nuts. What a story!! Karl pulls out all the stops to try and fool people into believing his imaginary schemes

    5. Kumasi

      Karl Castillo’s teeth dey kolom, but the way e dey chop landlord for inside house rent pass. I hope say the way wey go push am go wey e go taste some of the bitter bitter for life. Y3n ni awura.

  7. Richmond Landing

    How is it that this villain is still our there doing this to landlords?

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